季節のご挨拶 ~Seasonal Greetings~


Thank you so much for your love and kindness this passing year.

It was a very challenging year. I left the company I worked for at the end of the last year, I launched a new business named “Life Storier Project” which involves interviewing elderly people and writing a biography for them and also their family. I have made up four life stories as published books in this first year. I now also work for “Grace House”, a unique Christian share house, as a chaplain and I also teach kids at an alternative school called “Aichi Kibou Gakuen”, which was also launched this year.

I got the smallest number of annual income ever since I graduated from university. That is why I’m truly thankful for your support in many ways. I’m still alive and very fine. Praise the grace of God, our heavenly Father.

God has guided me to meditate on weakness, especially weakness of emotion and relationship. I have deep weaknesses; I have strong feelings of loneliness (even though I live in a share house!), struggles to share my deep emotions and needs with others, escape from intimate communication and just pretend to be a good-looking cool guy. I have prayed that even these weaknesses would be taken away or get better. I have cried out for it many times with tears. Sometimes even fear overwhelms me because I’m afraid of rejection of people due to these weaknesses.


I haven’t gotten any “miracles of healing” or been able to “completely overcome” as an answer of my prayer for it. I have rather felt vain and anger. But when I was meditating my struggles of this year, a verse came to me gradually.

As you wish that others would do to you, do so them. (Luke 7:31)


What you wish that others would do to you. We can call it “need”. My needs may be caused by weaknesses. In meditation, the verse sounds to me like;

「あなたがどうしようもない弱さを抱え葛藤しているからこそ、あなたは隣人に仕えるという召しをより深く体現できるのではないか? 人からしてもらうことなんて別にない、弱さもニーズも自覚しない人が何を他者に出来るというのか? 独りよがりの偽善ではないか? 『人からしてもらえたように人にしなさい』ではないのだ。『してもらいたい』という願いが胸の内あるからこそ、満たされぬものを抱えているからこそ人を愛することが可能になるんだよ。」
“Aren’t you able to serve others more sincerely because you have weaknesses and struggle with them? Can you truly understand what someone may need if you don’t have any problems and feel any needs? It doesn’t say ‘as you experienced what others have done to you, do so to them.’ It’s possible for you to love someone when you truly have a wish that others would do to you and understand deep unsatisfied emotions.”

It is not obviously what I want as an answer of my struggling prayer, but is a graceful insight. I often think “I can’t love someone because I have too much weakness,” or “my weakness would hurt someone close.” But my weakness may play an important role in serving and loving someone. I may feel and express the weight of life stories and dignity of them because I’m personally struggling to understand that God really accepts me and I look for someone to understand me fully.

When Paul uses the word “weakness” in 2nd Corinthians, it sounds different for me now.

If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness. 11:30

on my own behalf I will not boast, except of my weaknesses 11:5

Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses 12:9

For when I am weak, then I am strong. 12:10

These verses sound to me like; “My weakness is custom made with a very special reason, which enables me to love others as Christ does.” In a sense, in His mysterious master plan, God might allow me to remain broken in order to meet someone’s need truly and love him or her in a more sincere way.

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As you wish that others would do to you, do so them.

There is one more echo from the verse, which is to live in between “already” and “not yet”. I still see untreated weakness and unsatisfied wounds, although the context of the scripture emphasizes the generosity of our Father. “He has ‘already’ promised that He may re-create everything and wipe every tear away even though we have ‘not yet’ seen it.” Based on this kind of faith, I am called to do to people what might not happen to me but wish would happen to me. It’s also a calling to live a “life-long advent” with people.

Since I jumped into the business field, there are lots of temptations to pretend to be strong, wise, clever and fine.I often try to act like that, and I couldn’t do it very well. Now I say my strength is my weakness. I can listen and understand the precious life stories of people because I know my weakness. Because I know how fragile my soul is, I can affirm and relate to the life stories of others.

Please keep praying for me and my project. Throughout this year, I gained confidence that this project is a precious and valuable challenge. The first challenge of the next year will be to reach a kind of people who needs this kind of service not only in churches, but also in the whole of society.

Please pray for Inspire Reunion which is a ministry supporting returnee Christians around Tokai region.

May God bless your 2019 richly.

山田 風音 Kazune Yamada
